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Refrigeration is relatively new to us. For thousands of years or more, people have been inventing creative ways of preserving food without the benefit of cooling. Natural food preservatives include vi ...

The goal of these experiments is to compare the freezing temperature of salt water and freshwater, learn about supercooling and condensation nuclei.It is an educational content by cli ...

Investigate if natural preservatives like vinegar and salt can prevent bacteria from growing.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redire ...

Find out whether ocean water can be made safe to drink.The purpose of this experiment is find out if salt can be removed from ocean water so that it is safe to drink.It is an educational content by ed ...

Plants that live outside are often watered by the rain, but indoor plants are usually given tap water. Water, along with soil and light, is one of the three essential elements needed to help plants gr ...

Pasta is often said to be Italy's most famous dish, but it's believed to have originated in China over 4,000 years ago. It's a dough that can be made into a variety of shapes, usually cooked by boilin ...

Determine which salt, magic salt or regular salt is most effective in melting snow? The student will acquire some basic and some practical information on the chemistry and physics of water, its meltin ...

Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to downlo ...

Iodide is often added to salt to prevent the salt from caking. The Morton marketing slogan “when it rains, it pours” refers to the ability of their salt not to cake in damp weather because iodide had ...

This project compares the effectiveness of a solution of beet juice and rock salt with pure rock salt in melting ice. The goal of this project is to have the student evaluate an alternative method for ...