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Intelligent search and use of educational resources

ProFuturo Resources is a digital space with educational content and teaching-learning methodologies that aims to support a better and more inclusive digital education. The project is promoted by the Fundación ProFuturo, an initiative promoted by Fundación Telefónica and  Fundación "La Caixa” whose objective is to improve the education of boys and girls in vulnerable areas.

This web space is also a social ecosystem that invites teachers to share their teaching methods and practices, as well as to experiment and test new methodologies. The educational platform includes:

  • A catalog of educational resources classified by subject, educational level, and type of activity, among other criteria.
  • A set of didactic experiences and virtual spaces, both narrated by the teachers who promote them.
  • A content publishing system, the ProFuturo Resources collection is enhanced and enriched with the collaboration of all teachers.
  • An advanced information search and retrieval engine that allows you to discover knowledge.
  • Recommendations of contents of those subjects and educational levels that interest each teacher.

Access the educational universe of ProFuturo Resources and share experiences, spaces and learning resources!