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Determine whether fresh vegetables have more calories or less calories than canned vegetables.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

See if an LED light can be powered by vegetables and/or fruits.The purpose of this experiment is to determine whether there is enough energy stored in a fruit or a vegetable to power an LED light. Thi ...

Not all fruits and vegetables are alike. Although whole foods are a healthier choice there is a hierarchy of nutritional value between fruits and vegetables. As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps ...

Many products on the market are supposed to enhance the growth of plants. Naturally, each of them claims to be the best. This project might provide the additional insight needed to make wise choices r ...

Some say a tomato is a fruit. Some call it a vegetable. Most of us are not entirely sure which is which. And what about flowers? This project defines and classifies edible plants, and makes for a tast ...

Inflorescent: vegetable with an edible flower. See more

Inflorescent - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Vegetable: fleshy fruit, generally with seeds in its center. See more

Vegetable - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Unlock the secrets of cells with our engaging learning unit on Cells: Classification and Reproduction! Explore the fascinating world of cell biology as we delve into cell types, organelles, and cellul ...

Explore environment and health: Dive into the classroom discussions about the environment and health, fostering awareness of children's roles in the world. Through engaging activities on food and ...