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It’s commonly known that soda has a large quantity of sugar.But how much sugar is there in fruit juice?Does it matter that it’s “fresh squeezed” or that it’s “organic”? What is the purpose of these la ...

In this investigation, several food items are tested to determine whether they contain starch.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redir ...

In this experiment, we encourage fruit juice to ferment by adding yeast and leaving the mixture at room temperature. While students cannot quantitatively measure the amount of fermentation that takes ...

The project measures the growth rate of algae supplied with supplemental carbon dioxide.The goal is to have the student conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about conditions affecting ...

This science project examines how carnivorous plants digest insects, and whether the plant can use nitrogen in the soil to compensate for lack of insects.It is an educational content by ...

Determine whether sugar substitutes are as sweet as real sugar.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

Yeast is most commonly used in the kitchen to make dough rise. Have you ever watched pizza crust or a loaf of bread swell in the oven? Yeast makes the dough expand. But what is yeast exactly and how d ...

This science project will demonstrate how starches are converted to sugar during mastication and salivation.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Students will learn how astringent, mealy, hard fruits become sweet, soft, and aromatic. Through research work, they will learn about the ripening process. Through experimental work, they will analyze ...

What tiny organism is a great chef’s assistant? It’s yeast. And what does yeast eat? You may already know that yeast has a voracious appetite for sugar. This yeast lab pits yeast against powerful anti ...