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Provide evidence that air is everywhere and takes up space.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want t ...

This project encourages the student to look for correlations between wind speed, temperature, and time of day in order to come up with an explanation about the origin of wind. The goal is to have the ...

When wireless signals leave a WiFi hotspot and travel to a computer or other wireless device, the wifi signal strength decays as it passes through air or solid objects. This is why a computer may be u ...

Pores are small openings that allow air and moisture to permeate the surface of a material. Porosity is the measure of these voids relative to the solid structure. Porosity is a significant considerat ...

Determine if sound travels best through the air, water or a solid.The purpose of this experiment is to test how sound travels through the three phases of matter and to see if one of these phases trans ...

In this investigation, a basketball containing different psi is dropped to see how well it bounces.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

Do you wonder why the weather changes all the time? Would you like to fly an airplane someday? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you need to learn how air molecules move!When we feel ...

Evaporation is the process of water transferring from a liquid to a gas and is the primary method for water to move into the atmosphere during the water cycle. Scientists believe that the earth’s ocea ...

The goal of this project is to create radiation fog to see how it forms and how environmental elements affect it. Studying fog in a bottle provides opportunities to test hypotheses such as whether lig ...

Witness the process of how the lungs expand and contract with the help of the diaphragm. Build your own model lungs out of balloons and soda bottles.It is an educational content by cl ...