Toda a comunidade

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Depois de definir os temas de interesse dos estudantes, elabore um roteiro para as gravações. O link traz algumas sugestões.

Proposições didáticas sugeridas que visa aproximar, de uma maneira aberta, da obra do artista, buscando encontrar possibilidades de exploração poéticas desse objeto artístico.

Estar junto é mais do que estar perto! Aproveite a quarentena para se capacitar com nossos cursos, e-books e jogos.

Refletir sobre o papel da avaliação em um projeto educacional; Utilizar ferramentas digitais como suporte à avaliação; Indicar estratégias para avaliar competências complexas em um contexto de acesso ...

Refrigeration is relatively new to us. For thousands of years or more, people have been inventing creative ways of preserving food without the benefit of cooling. Natural food preservatives include vi ...

Sustainability and sustainable development seem to be the new buzz terms used to discuss solving environmental issues. However, creating a sustainable world is actually a complex idea that involves mu ...

Lean about what makes a bird waterproof (hint – it is not the oil gland), and how oil affects a bird’s waterproofing. With more in depth research, the student will learn how else oil affects the bird, ...

Carbohydrates are organic compounds composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These compounds are used to produce energy by living things. Sugars, starches, glycogen and cellulose are all carbohydrates ...

Determine whether dogs can be trained faster using a food reward or praise.The purpose of this experiment is to see if rewarding wanted behaviors is best achieved through praise or a food reward. Most ...