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What does truly healthy and sustainable food look like on a plate in the Nordic Region, Canada, Indonesia or Brazil? This interactive game will help you find out. Using gamification of evidence and di ...

Investigate if fats add to the flavor of food.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download th ...

Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have reported that radiation from WiFi networks is harmful to trees. s observed included growth variations, and bleeding and fissures in tree ba ...

Students will use a bomb calorimeter to measure and calculate the amount of energy (calories) within various foods. What is the amount of heat absorbed by the water? How much energy is in each food sa ...

Determine whether plants grow better in soil or in fish ponds. The purpose of this experiment is to grow lettuce plants in two different conditions to determine whether plants grow more rapidly in soi ...

In video games, you’re in a virtual world where enemies lurk around every corner. But how do these games impact your body in real life? The excitement of a computer or video game can be intense. Does ...

It's widely known that colors can affect our moods and perceptions. This is why red signifies danger, and is also why the walls of hospitals and jails are usually painted a light, subdued green. It's ...

Chewing gum is tasty and fun. There are so many different brands and flavors to try! But what effect does it have on your teeth? You’ve probably heard some people say that chewing gum helps keep your ...

Have you ever noticed that some people shake a lot of salt on their food while others prefer none at all? Penn State University conducted a study to try to understand why some people like more salt th ...

Doctors say it isn’t healthy for students to carry more than ten percent of their weight in their backpacks.Question: Are the students in your school carrying too much weight in their backpacks?It is ...