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Noun phrases

Unlock the power of noun phrases with our comprehensive unit! Dive into the world of linguistics by exploring determiners, nouns, adjectives, and more. Master the art of constructing meaningful sentences and gain valuable skills in reading, writing, and oral communication. Elevate your understanding of language hierarchy and enhance your ability to comprehend complex structures. Join us on a journey to linguistic mastery!






This resource contains:

LIN.U18.01. Noun phrases. Introduction
LIN.U18.02. Noun phrases. Common and proper nouns
LIN.U18.03. Noun phrases. Individual and collective nouns
LIN.U18.04. Noun phrases. Adjectives and their use for description
LIN.U18.05. Noun phrases. The definite article
LIN.U18.06. Noun phrases. Indefinite articles
LIN.U18.07. Noun phrases. Gender and number
LIN.U18.08. Noun phrases. Noun phrases
LIN.U18.09. Noun phrases. Test yourself
LIN.U18.10. Noun phrases. Summary

Noun phrases

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Auteur profuturo

Catégories Lengua y literatura, 8-10 años, Inglés-Lengua extranjera, Secuencia didáctica, ProFuturo, Actividad interactiva, Inglés add

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Date de publication 20 / 07 / 2020

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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