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The next “big thing” is always around the corner. From singers & actors to simple objects, fads attract attention. They elicit what is commonly referred to as a craze, mania or a phenomenon due to its ...

Standard deviation is a statistic that tells you how closely a group of numbers (for example, temperatures) are clustered around a mean value (average temperature). When the standard deviation is smal ...

Design the perfect arrow. The goals of this project are: To study the history and aerodynamics of arrows. To calculate an optimal arrow design. To invent a new or improved arrow design.It is an educat ...

This stand-alone module examines the history, applications, and various proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. The module also includes student activities and exercise problems. The module assumes the rea ...

Master the art of storytelling with our dynamic narrative techniques unit. Dive deep into plot, conflict, time, context, and endings to craft compelling narratives. Enhance linguistic skills while fos ...

Unlock the power of noun phrases with our comprehensive unit! Dive into the world of linguistics by exploring determiners, nouns, adjectives, and more. Master the art of constructing meaningful senten ...

Embark on a captivating journey through time with our Universal History learning unit! From ancient civilizations to modern-day societies, students explore the diverse cultures and structures that sha ...