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Universal history

Embark on a captivating journey through time with our Universal History learning unit! From ancient civilizations to modern-day societies, students explore the diverse cultures and structures that shaped human history across continents. Dive into concepts like chronology and cultural diversity while uncovering the stories of the past, discovering global heritage sites, and reflecting on our shared human experience. Ideal for ages 8 to 12, this unit fosters critical thinking and personal responsibility, preparing students to understand the world around them.




This resource contains:

SCI.U31.01. Universal history. Introduction 
SCI.U31.02. Universal history. The life of the first humans
SCI.U31.03. Universal history. The Ancient Age
SCI.U31.04. Universal history. The Middle Ages
SCI.U31.05. Universal history. The Early Modern Period
SCI.U31.06. Universal history. The Late Modern Period
SCI.U31.07. Universal history. World history
SCI.U31.08. Universal history. Archaeology workshop
SCI.U31.09. Universal history. Assessment
SCI.U31.10. Universal history. Summary 

Universal history

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