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The Nervous system

Dive into the fascinating world of the nervous system! Explore its parts, functions, and connections with the body's senses and endocrine system. Discover the difference between reflex and voluntary movements and unravel the mysteries of perception. Join us on a journey to understand how the nervous system shapes our responses and behaviors. Engage in interactive activities and quizzes to deepen your knowledge!






This resource contains:

SCI.U35.01. The nervous system. Introduction 
SCI.U35.02. The nervous system. Parts and functions of the nervous system
SCI.U35.03. The nervous system. The peripheral nervous system: neurons and nerves
SCI.U35.04. The nervous system. Perception
SCI.U35.05. The nervous system. Voluntary movements and reflexes
SCI.U35.06. The nervous system. The nervous and endocrine systems
SCI.U35.07. The nervous system. Changes in perception
SCI.U35.08. The nervous system. Reflex test
SCI.U35.09. The nervous system. Assessment 
SCI.U35.10. The nervous system. Summary

The Nervous system

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