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Numerous architects (see below), Saint Peter's Basilica (Basilica Sancti Petri in Latin) begun 1506 completed 1626, Vatican City. Architectural contributors include: Donato Bramante who's design won Julius II's competition, Antonio da Sangallo, a student of Bramante, designed the Pauline Chapel, Fra Giocondo strengthened the foundation. Raphael worked with Fra Giocondo, his redesigned building plan was not executed, Michelangelo designed the dome, crossing, and exterior excluding the nave and facade, Giacomo della Porta, designed the cupola, Carlo Maderno, extended Michelangelo's plan adding a nave and grand facade, Gian Lorenzo Bernini added the piazza, the Cathedra Petri, and the Baldacchino. Speakers Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker.

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Saint Peter's Basilica
