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Advanced Scratch programming

Discover the world of block programming with our Introduction to Scratch! Perfect for ages 8-12, this unit covers computational thinking, animation creation, and Scratch interface basics. Enhance critical thinking and creativity while having fun with programming!








This resource contains:

TEC.U10.01. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Introduction
TEC.U10.02. Advanced block programming (Scratch). The audio in Scratch: let it sound!
TEC.U10.03. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Troubleshooting using operators
TEC.U10.04. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Monitoring of programming using variables
TEC.U10.05. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Use of sensors
TEC.U10.06. Advanced block programming (Scratch). What can we create by programming with blocks? 
TEC.U10.07. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Summary
TEC.U10.08. Advanced block programming (Scratch). Assessment

Advanced block programming (Scratch)

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