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In this project, students will find out whether the color of text correlates with ease and speed of reading.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you ...

Master the art of crafting compelling argumentative texts with this comprehensive unit. Learn about the structure, organization, and linguistic resources essential for effective arguments. Dive into d ...

Enhance your reading and writing skills with our comprehensive unit on information processing. Dive into reading techniques, textual interpretation, and mind maps to develop essential linguistic and l ...

Master the art of writing with our unit on writing techniques! Explore coherence, cohesion, adaptation, correction, and presentation of texts. Learn the communicative purpose of writing and utilize di ...

Master the art of writing with our dynamic unit! Explore the writing process through critical thinking and step-by-step techniques. Students will learn to identify text recipients, purposes, and types ...

Unlock the secrets of narrative storytelling! Our comprehensive unit focuses on narrative structure and key elements, empowering students to master storytelling skills for everyday communication. From ...

Empower your language skills with our dynamic unit on verbs! Dive into understanding verb forms, usage, and conjugation. From simple to continuous forms, master linguistic concepts with interactive ac ...

Explore the evolution of communication throughout history! From ancient gestures to modern digital platforms, this unit delves into the ways humans have connected over time. Help students reflect on p ...