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Fra Filippo Lippi, Madonna and Child with two Angels, c. 1460-1465, tempera on panel, 95 x 63.5 cm (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence)

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Hugo van der Goes, The Adoration of the Kings (Monforte Altar), c. 1470, oil on oak, 147 x 242 cm (Gemäldegalerie, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin).

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Giotto, The Entombment of Mary, 1310, tempera on poplar, 75 x 179 cm (Gemäldegalerie, Kaiser Friedrich-Museums-Verein, Berlin).

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Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, 1342, tempera on panel, 257 x 168 cm (Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence).

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Bodhisattva, probably Avalokiteshvara (Guanyin), Northern Qi dynasty, c. 550--60, Shanxi Province, China, sandstone with pigments, 13-3/4 feet / 419.1 cm high (Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York).

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Medea Sarcophagus, 140 - 150 C.E., marble, 65 x 227 cm (Altes Museum, Berlin)

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Pair of Centaurs Fighting Cats of Prey from Hadrian's Villa, mosaic, c. 130 B.C.E. (Altes Museum, Berlin)

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The Pergamon Altar, c. 200-150 B.C.E., 35.64 x 33.4 meters (Pergamon Museum, Berlin)

It is an educational content by Khan Academy, site that contains a wide variety of educational videos.