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It’s fascinating to watch how the moon changes over a month.For a couple days, it is a full bright circle. Then, it begins to shrink, until only a tiny crescent remains.Then, it disappears all togethe ...

In this experiment, students should use advanced math skills to find out how far a person walks on an average day and determine how long it would take that person to walk around the world and to the m ...

Discover whether we can simulate how craters are formed and thereby predict their size and shape?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be re ...

How can the moon glow if it doesn’t make its own light? In this experiment, you’ll watch light bounce by making a simple photometer.Why does the moon glow?It is an educational content by ...

Multiple human subjects/mammals may participate in this study. The research plan should be reviewed by a medical professional/veterinarian to determine if the project is minimal risk and human subject ...

The goal of this project is to physically represent the phases of the moon.Most people can recognize and name the moon’s different phases, but few can explain them.When astronomers speak of the phases ...

This project examines the influence of the phase of the moon on moisture capillarity in garden soil. The goal is to have the student test a hypothesis about seed germination and the phases of the moon ...

That big, glowing ball of light in the sky is pretty amazing. The sun powers life on earth, and it helps us see and helps plants make their food. Sometimes, the paths of the moon and the sun cross and ...

Have you ever seen the man in the moon?Or maybe the rabbit? People have been staring at the moon for thousands of years. Back in 1610, using the newly invented telescope, Galilei Galileo described man ...

You may have heard about how the Moon generates the tides. You may even know that high spring tides occur during a full or new Moon, and that low neap tides occur during a quarter Moon (when the Moon ...