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Do you have a heavy load? If so, things are looking up. Experiment with a single fixed pulley system and see how a pulley can make a load seem lighter. What is a fixed pulley? What does it do?It is an ...

A lever is a type of simple machine where a rigid arm is arranged around a fixed point or fulcrum. Input, the force you put in, directed into an output force. The classic example of a lever is a seesa ...

Design a compound machine using your knowledge of simple machines.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you ...

A pulley is a mechanical device that can be used to lift heavily objects more easily. Pulleys consist of a wheel that rotates on an axle—which is a rod through the center of the wheel—and a rope, cabl ...

What is a wedge? Wedges are triangle-shaped objects or tools that can be used to make work easier. The small pointed end (which can often be blunt, not sharp) can be used to lift and separate objects. ...

Energy is neither created nor destroyed: it is only transformed. There are many different forms of energy, including kinetic energy (the energy of motion), potential energy (energy that is considered ...

Gears are the toothed wheels used in many machines, including bicycles, where they work together to change the relationship between the driving mechanism and the moving parts. You pedal the cranks to ...