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Conhecer o conceito de texto não literário e sua tipologia.

Identificar as características e a estrutura de diferentes tipos de textos não literários.

Analisar e ...

Conhecer os principais gêneros literários.

Identificar a função e as características dos gêneros literários mais importantes.

Compreender textos lite ...

Discover the intricacies of non-literary texts with our comprehensive unit! Uncover the distinctions between literary and non-literary texts, delve into various non-literary text types and their purpo ...

Dive into the rich tapestry of literary expression with our engaging unit on main literary genres. From lyric to narrative and theater, explore the nuances of each genre while honing linguistic skills ...

Explore phonetics, tongue twisters, and punctuation in our comprehensive English language unit. Enhance letter-sound relationships and literacy skills with engaging activities. Perfect for young learn ...

Explore early literacy & phonetics with 'Bake a Cake' Unit. Engage in nursery rhymes, phonics, & recipe reading. Develop language skills & hand-eye coordination. Ideal for fostering reading co ...

Connaître le concept de texte non littéraire et sa typologie.

Identifier les caractéristiques et la structure de différents types de textes non littéraires.

Analy ...

Connaître les principaux genres littéraires.

Identifier la fonction et les caractéristiques des genres littéraires les plus importants.

Comprendre des textes litté ...

Explora el mundo de los textos no literarios con nuestra unidad didáctica. Descubre las diferencias clave con los textos literarios, explora los tipos más comunes y comprende sus caracte ...

Descubre la guía didáctica que explora poesía, narrativa y teatro, promoviendo competencias comunicativas y creativas. Conoce géneros literarios, identifica funciones y car ...