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Piano: stringed instrument played with a keyboard that makes hammers strike tuned strings to produce the sounds. See more

Piano - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Upright piano: piano with its soundboard placed vertically. See more

Upright piano - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Electric piano: piano with vibrating rods instead of strings. It has an electronic amplifier and output jacks. See more

Electric piano - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights rese ...

Electronic keyboard: synthesizer that reproduces reel instruments and other sounds by way of a keyboard and different adjustments. See more

Electronic keyboard - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 20 ...

Orbiter flight deck: main section of a space shuttle. See more

Orbiter flight deck - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.