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Investigate how the height at which a pendulum is released affects the length of time it continues.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

This investigation involves the comparison of the height and slope of a roller coaster to determine if there is a relationship or correlation between the height of the roller coaster and the slope of ...

If you swirl water around in a cup, you’ll notice how easily and fast the water will move. But have you ever tried to swirl some maple syrup around in a cup? It doesn’t respond to your movements in th ...

If you’ve ever watched a football game, you may have wondered: When two players collide at the same speed, why is it possible for one player to knock the other player back? The reason has to do with t ...

Have you ever wondered why you don’t fall out of an upside down loop on a roller coaster, or why a satellite can stay in orbit around the earth? Centripetal force is a force that causes an object to m ...

Discover the secrets of wave phenomena with this engaging natural science unit, designed to unravel the mysteries of waves in the universe. From understanding seismic activity to exploring radio prop ...