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Evaporation is the process of water transferring from a liquid to a gas and is the primary method for water to move into the atmosphere during the water cycle. Scientists believe that the earth’s ocea ...

The big flash you see when lightning strikes is a natural electrical discharge between a cloud and the ground, or within a cloud. This lightning can travel as fast as 140,000 MPH and reach temperature ...

If you wake early in the morning, you may notice that the ground is wet with dew. This dew doesn’t come from rain, but seems to magically appear on surfaces. During the night, the temperature of the a ...

When you walk outside on a humid summer day, you can practically feel the moisture hanging in the air. But how can you measure humidity? Believe it or not, you can make your own instrument, called a p ...

You might notice that winter forecasts of a foot or more snow are fairly common. This is very different from rain forecasts. Even in rainy areas, single rainstorms that top five inches are unusual. If ...