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The project measures the growth rate of algae supplied with supplemental carbon dioxide.The goal is to have the student conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about conditions affecting ...

The goal of this project is to cultivate slime mold and observe the stages of its development. Varying the conditions of several dishes demonstrate the mold’s environmental requirements and reactions ...

The objective of this experiment is to learn how to grow bacteria in a controlled setting.By using simple from home instead of Petri dishes students will learn how to perform sterile technique.The ou ...

Moss is an intriguing plant. Like ferns, it reproduces through spores. These spores float through the air or the water to land and create new moss plants. Determine whether spreading a moss soup over ...

Determine whether plants will grow in garbage.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether plants are able to get enough nutrients from different types of garbage to be able to grow.It is an ...

Determine the effect of tank size on the growth rate of freshwater fish. The goals of this project are: To test tank size against growth rates in freshwatefish. Objectives: To provide information t ...

Determine if dried beans from the grocery store can be grown.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether the process used to dry the beans we eat for food renders them unviable. This experim ...

The objective of the project is to understand the effects of acid rain on plant growth over the short term and extrapolate the results to better understand the effects of acid rain at larger scales.It ...

This project determines the ages of trees without cutting the trees down to count the rings in their bases.What is the best method for distinguishing the age of a tree?It is an educational content by ...

You'll learn to analyze a function in order to be able to sketch its graph from a few calculations.

Functions defined by parts is a didactic content from Sangakoo. In this space you will find teach ...