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The purpose of this experiment is to determine the best method of seed germination among the following three soil, paper towel and cloth. Each method has three test cases for growth to gain a fuller ...

What’s inside a bean? Take a peek into the beginnings of a beanstalk, and see how a bean grows.What are the parts of a bean seed?It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

What do plants need to grow? In this experiment, you’ll explore one of the most important factors affecting seed germination by finding out whether the amount of water a seed receives changes how quic ...

Discover whether packaged seeds, despite having an expiration date printed, actually do expire.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redi ...

Determine whether cooking seeds before planting will speed up plant germination and growth or whether just soaking the seeds suffice.It is an educational content by clicking on the ti ...

Plants spread their seeds far and wide in the attempt to continue the survival of their species. Many of these seeds share a “hook” design that helps them cling to a passing object and plant themselve ...

Find out whether planting seeds in certain directions will affect how fast it germinates... or whether it germinates at all.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of th ...

Acid rain is becoming more and more of a for our world. Outside of industrial pollutants, like nitrogenous and sulfuric oxides, even excess carbon dioxide can affect the pH of rainwater. One question ...

Ready, set, grow! How long does it take for a bean to get growing?How does a beanstalk grow in the first place? In this experiment, you’ll investigate the growth of pinto beans and see if you can crea ...

This project deals with plant adaptations and survival. The goals of the project are that the student develops an understanding of the scientific method and process, the student gains knowledge that p ...