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You'll learn to calculate the inverse matrix using two different methods. You will also learn the meaning of the rank of a matrix and how to calculate it.

Inverse matrix using determinants is a did ...

You'll learn basics about the classic theorems of integral calculus: the theorems of Green, Gauss and Stokes.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to mast ...

You'll learn to calculate volumes determined by surfaces in space and to calculate volumes by direct integration and applying Gauss theorem. At the end of the theoretical explanation you can prac ...

Aprende a calcular volúmenes determinados por superficies en el espacio y a calcularlos por integración directa mediante el Teorema de Gauss. Al final de la explicación teó ...

Aprende a calcular la matriz inversa por dos métodos diferentes, el significado de rango de una matriz y como calcularlo.

Matriz inversa: Método de Gauss es un contenido didáctico ...

Apende a calcular integrales de funciones de varias variables, ya sea en una región de un plano, en un volumen, o a lo largo de una curva i/o superficie, usando los teoremas clásicos del ...