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Student compares the water permeability of soils to understand their physical and environmental properties. What particles make up soils? What are the physical characteristics of soils? How can soil t ...

Huff, puff and blow as hard as you can—do you think you can blow down a sand castle with your mighty breath? Blowing air erodes—wears away—sand and dirt. In Three Little Pigs, houses of straw or twigs ...

Water has power! It has the power to shape the surface of the Earth. Water can change one landform by washing away sediment and then depositing it somewhere else to create a new landform. How are new ...

Geographic changes are changes in the earth's landscape such as the drying up of rivers or changes in plant growth. Geographic changes usually happen over great lengths of time. Factors contributing t ...

There are three basic types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. Sedimentary rocks are distinguished by their layered formation on the earth's surface. Igneous rocks are formed by the cool ...

Ocean waves erode the coastline. The sand they remove is shifted to another location. This paradoxical effect can strip beaches in one location and create them in another. We'll observe this effect by ...

Rocks are ever changing.They can be smoothed by water, broken off by wind, and cracked by ice.If you found a rock in your backyard then traveled back in time 1,000 years, that rock would look totally ...

Grass might not be the most exotic looking plant in the world, but it is one of the most important. Its pretty green color comes from the chlorophyll inside, which is a pigment that plants use in phot ...

Tumbling is a technique used for smoothing and polishing a rough surface on small particles. Professional rock polishers help jewelers polish stones by imitating the abrasion of rocks in nature. The n ...

Weathering is a set of physical, chemical and biological processes that alter the physical and chemical state of rocks and soil at or near the Earth’s surface.Chemical weatheringis the process by whic ...