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Determine whether we can change from potential energy to kinetic energy and from kinetic to potential?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will ...

Surface tension is a property of liquids. Liquids have a limited ability – called surface tension - to resist an external force. For example, when a liquid forms a lens-shaped meniscus in a gradeuated ...

When we look around, we do not typically see ‘air’ so it is easy to assume that our air is clean. In reality, our atmosphere is made up of mostly invisible gases. Additionally, most air pollutants are ...

When you walk outside on a humid summer day, you can practically feel the moisture hanging in the air. But how can you measure humidity? Believe it or not, you can make your own instrument, called a p ...

This project seeks to determine if the tempo of the background music we hear in a variety of businesses is important to the environment the business wants to create and if it is key in how their custo ...

This project examines the effects of seed storage on plant growth. The goals of this project are: To determine how seed storage conditions affect plant growth. To encourage improvements of current ag ...

The objective of this project is to model industrial oil spills and determine if they have a significant impact on wildlife that lives beneath the surface of the water. Daphnia Magna will be the model ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore how building on different types of soil affects the relative stability of buildings in an earthquake. Students will build a shake table upon which a basin hol ...

This project determines whether music affects the growth and health of plants.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...

The soil beneath your feet all looks the same, doesn’t it? Surprisingly, soils in different locations actually have different components. In this science project, you can examine the layers that make ...