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Discover whether the “five-second rule” is effective in determining if food is still safe to eat after being dropped on the ground.It is an educational content by clicking on the titl ...

The goal of this project is to demonstrate how tracks are formed. The project offers students an opportunity to experiment with the amount of moisture and dry necessary to impact the “dirt” properly. ...

Determine which laundry detergent is best for cleaning clothes.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

When we look around, we do not typically see ‘air’ so it is easy to assume that our air is clean. In reality, our atmosphere is made up of mostly invisible gases. Additionally, most air pollutants are ...

The goal of this experiment is to discover if soil with more organic material absorbs moisture better than soil with less organic material. Gardens that use the right amount of organic material might ...

What’s going on in your garden? Study different areas of your backyard to see which is the most diverse.Compare the biodiversity in a square of lawn, forest, and home garden. Which one has the largest ...

When was the last time you saw an earthworm? Chances are, you don't see these wiggly creatures very often. Worms like to bury themselves in the dirt, where it's dark and wet. Do they like the dirt bec ...