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Repurposing, also known as adaptive reuse, is the use of products and for purposes other than originally intended. Examples include worn out tires fashioned into furniture, candy wrappers turned into ...

The goals of this project are to explore the variety of webs that spiders weave and to collect specimens for identification. Based on the type of web, students can predict the species of spider.To gat ...

This project explores new uses for an old lighthouse. The goals of this project are: To develop a modern interior lighthouse design. To further encourage lighthouse preservation and restoration.It is ...

Smartphone applications are so popular that Apple currently sells more than 300,000 apps from its online app store. An app can be an interactive game, a navigational device, a business software packag ...

This project allows student to build and compare the heating abilities of solar ovens.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

This project deals with an idea for an energy source that is derived from the motion of what people are already doing. For instance, imagine cars moving on the freeway, and that the cars are somehow m ...

Vacuuming is a household chore nobody likes, especially when you have to stop and change the attachments. It isn't hard to imagine a new and improved vacuum cleaner with rotating attachments that chan ...

Rockets work by way of jet propulsion. The principle behind it is based on Newton's Third Law of Motion: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. When a rocket blows out gas at high s ...

Parents often wish their kids would not spend so much time playing video games. How cool would it be if a video game taught the basics of a trade or profession, without sacrificing the fun factor? Thi ...

Create a new programming language that improves on the old ones. The goals of this project are: To design a new computer programming language. To create a presentation that illustrates the features ...