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Underneath each leaf, in the epidermal tissue, there are small openings called stomata. Surrounding each stomata are guard cells that regulate the opening and closing of the stomata. The stomata allow ...

Party in the compost! What foods are on a fruit fly’s preferred menu?In this experiment, you’ll create two compost bins and see if you can determine what foods attract the most fruit flies. This exper ...

Determine whether boys and girls have the same lung capacity.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want ...

When you send your trash to the landfill, what happens to it? It may get buried under loads of landfill waste. If some of your waste is organic material like vegetables and fruit, this means that it w ...

Cellular respiration is the process your cells use to release the stored energy in your food so they can use it. This process is aerobic, meaning it requires oxygen to be present. The oxygen is used b ...

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is present in the air we breath and in the carbonated soda we drink. In soda, the carbon dioxide gas (CO2 ) has been dissolved, a process called carbonation that results in soda's ...

Volcanoes are very interesting. I wanted to find out what happens inside a volcano. I have read about it and also seen some videos. I made a model of volcano to see how a chemical reaction makes a mag ...

Student compares the rates of photosynthesis for various light sources.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. I ...

This project investigates the relationship between carbon dioxide gas and temperature of the atmosphere. The goals of the project include estimating the average temperature of the atmosphere within a ...

In this experiment, we encourage fruit juice to ferment by adding yeast and leaving the mixture at room temperature. While students cannot quantitatively measure the amount of fermentation that takes ...