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You'll learn to solve linear diophantine equations. For that purpose, you will be given an interesting example.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to ma ...

You'll learn the basic concepts of logarithms and related definitions and algorithms that allows us to deal more easilly algebraic expressions that contain logarithms.

At the end of the theorical e ...

You'll learn to solve quadratic diophantine equations. For that purpose, you will be given some examples.

At the end of the theorical explanation, you can practice or create 5 exercises to master t ...

You'll learn the concept of the Euclides algorithm. It is important to understand the basics about it, so that you may solve linear and quadratic diophantine equations in a proper way.

At the end o ...

You'll learn the algorithm given a quadric analytical quadric to determine what the quadratic itself is.

Es un contenido didáctico de Sangakoo, una red social que te ayuda a aprender Matem&a ...

Aprende a resolver ecuaciones diofánticas. Primerestudiarás las ecuaciones diofánticas lineales, repasando antes el Algoritmo de Euclides para poder calcular el máximo com& ...

Aprende los conceptos básicos sobre logaritmos así como definiciones y algoritmos que permiten manejar con cierta soltura expresiones algebraicas que contienen logaritmos.

Definició ...

Aprende el algoritmo para dada una cuádrica analítica, poder determinar de qué cuádrica se trata.

Clasificación afín de cuádricas es un contenido did&aa ...