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Chrysalis: cocoon that shelters the caterpillar during its metamorphosis into a butterfly. See more

Chrysalis - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Bird: a warm-blood animal with two wings, two feet, a horny beak and a body covered with feathers. See more

Bird - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Nose: organ of smell, situated on the face between the mouth and the forehead. See more

Nose - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Airliner: aerial transport apparatus that is heavier than air and is equipped with wings and engines. See more

Airliner - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Space shuttle (front and back views): reusable space vehicle used for travel between a space station and earth. See more

Space shuttle (front and back views) - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005 ...

Apresentar as principais características dos seres vivos que os diferenciam de seres não vivos.

Apresentar os diferentes tipos de cobertura: pelos, penas e escamas.

Apresentar as dif ...

Explore the fascinating world of animals: Learn characteristics, coverings, movement and respect. Foster a deep understanding of living beings, their diverse coverings, movement types, and the importa ...

Présenter les principales caractéristiques des êtres vivants qui les différencient des êtres non-vivants.

Présenter les différents types d'apparen ...

Explora el fascinante reino animal con esta unidad educativa diseñada para que los alumnos adquieran conocimientos sobre las características distintivas de los seres vivos, incluyendo pe ...