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When wireless signals leave a WiFi hotspot and travel to a computer or other wireless device, the wifi signal strength decays as it passes through air or solid objects. This is why a computer may be u ...

This project compares the effectiveness of a solution of beet juice and rock salt with pure rock salt in melting ice. The goal of this project is to have the student evaluate an alternative method for ...

This project attempts to come up with a design for a growing chamber that will meet the physiological requirements of algae for maximum growth.The goal is to give the student an opportunity to use sci ...

The project measures the growth rate of algae supplied with supplemental carbon dioxide.The goal is to have the student conduct a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about conditions affecting ...

This project tests whether birds will discriminate between patterned and unpatterned anemometers when choosing a location to feed. The goal is to have the student use scientific methodology to find an ...