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When a radical is not a perfect square (1, 4, 9, 16, …), estimating square roots is a valuable tool. When asked to estimate the value of a radical between two consecutive integers, find the two ...

This root calculator determines the roots of numbers, including common roots such as a square root or a cubed root.

Radical equations are equations that have square root terms. When solving radical equations, try to isolate the radical expression on one side of the equation and then square both sides (it is the inv ...

A useful calculator for solving direct and inverse rules of three. It comes with an explanation of the different types of rules of three.

A rule of three is a method to find the fourth term of a propor ...

Example of prime decomposition using 864 as the starting number. A great tool to learn how to decompose integers into prime factors. The prime factorization calculator, created, offe ...

A ratio is a comparison of two numbers. We generally separate the two numbers in the ratio with a colon (:) or write it as a fraction. A proportion is one equality with a ratio on both sides. A perc ...

Identify proportions by cross multiplying or simplifying ratios.

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No one knows for sure if intelligent extraterrestrial life exists or ever existed. But many believe intelligent beings live elsewhere, despite a complete lack of compelling physical evidence. Why do s ...

The birthday paradox states that in a room of just 23 people, there is a 50/50 chance that two people will have same birthday. In a room of 75, there is a 99.9% chance of finding two people with the s ...

Find out whether the outcome of a coin flip can be influenced by the person flipping the coin.The purpose of this experiment is to determine first the probability of a coin landing heads or tails and ...