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In video games, you’re in a virtual world where enemies lurk around every corner. But how do these games impact your body in real life? The excitement of a computer or video game can be intense. Does ...

The goals of this project are to explore the variety of webs that spiders weave and to collect specimens for identification. Based on the type of web, students can predict the species of spider.To gat ...

What is the most effective method of preserving food? Using three types of containers we will test which one preserves fruits and vegetables the longest.It is an educational content by ...

This project explores whether musicians are better than non-musicians at distinguishing and understanding speech in noisy environments.It is an educational content by clicking on the ...

An egg is surrounded by a thin membrane. This only lets water into it. The egg itself is a cell and will show the swelling in cells. When it is put into fluid that is not able to penetrate its surface ...

People use a variety of techniques to deal with pain or discomfort. Common pain management techniques include listening to music, massage, and deep breathing. This experiment will evaluate how well th ...

Gum isn't allowed in the class, but it’s sure fun and tasty to chew on. Don’t you sometimes wish the sweet flavor of every stick of gum would last forever? Knowing which gum’s flavor lasts the longest ...

Determine whether plants are phototropic and provide evidence to substantiate the project`s results.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be ...

Not all fruits and vegetables are alike. Although whole foods are a healthier choice there is a hierarchy of nutritional value between fruits and vegetables. As the saying goes, “an apple a day keeps ...

In this experiment, we will find out if making Jell-O is possible with just warm water instead of adding boiling hot water.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of thi ...