
201 - 210

Students will create an uphill flow of water by using a siphon.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you wa ...

What makes a ball bouncy? Have you ever wondered why some balls bounce higher than others? A ball’s ability to bounce has a lot to do with its elasticity. So what is elasticity? It’s an object’s abili ...

Light propagates, or travels, in waves. Waves have two main properties: frequency and wavelength. When you know one, it’s pretty easy to calculate the other.When light waves overlap they create interf ...

The hype with the ShamWow is justifiable, as it is said that these ShamWows are made of a blend of rayon and polypropylene, which makes it super absorbent, but lightweight. Cotton is known for being v ...

Cold water is denser than warm water. Water with a high salt concentration (salinity) is denser than water that has a lower salt concentration. Warmwater rises above densercolder water, and bodies of ...

Electric energy is carried by current, which is the flow of electrons, which are the negatively charged sub-particles of atoms. This transfer of electrons from one place to another powers our lights, ...

Find out what common “compounds” can be easily separated out in a centrifuge. The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether certain liquids are comprised of a liquid and a dissolved solid or ...

Discover whether there are some objects that do not fall at a constant rate.The purpose of this experiment is to test various objects to determine whether they fall at the same rate.It is an education ...

We use machines every day to make our work easier. The compound machines that we use are oftentimes made up of multiple simple machines such as pulleys, levers, and inclined planes. Each simple machin ...

Investigate whether air has mass and weight.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the ...