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It's time to get to sleep, but you're feeling hungry, so you grab a tasty snack before bedtime. That hit the spot!Eating that late-night apple means you have to go brush your teeth again. Would it hur ...

What does happy look like? Is it a bright color like yellow or a deep purplish-blue? Colors are everywhere we look, and sometimes our brains like to link up colors with emotions. Have you ever heard s ...

Imagine a monster wants to come live in your house. Would you let it? Monsters are pretty famous for being scary and hurtful. While it might not seem like a hard decision to keep a monster away from y ...

Have you ever taken a bite out of a lemon? Sure, you're probably a pro at other fruits like apples and pears, but lemons pack a wilder punch. Does anyone actually enjoy the tart, sour taste of an unsw ...

Cheery, colorful flowers make most everyone smile—and the blooming beauties smell lovely to boot! When you cut a flower to put into a vase, it'll eventually wilt, even with water and sunshine. But is ...

If cheese was purple, or chocolate was green, would they look as delicious as they do now? Color plays a big part in how we interpret the tastes of different foods.Just like us, birds have natural pre ...