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Sailors and travelers have used Polaris, also known as the North Star, for centuries to locate their position on the surface of the Earth. Polaris is the brightest star in the constellationUrsa Minor, ...

Michael Faraday was a 19th century English scientist who is credited with many great discoveries in the realm of physics and chemistry, specifically on the relationship between current and magnets, an ...

A lens is a clear object, usually made of glass or plastic, which is used to refract, or bend light. Lenses can concentrate light rays (bring them together) or spread them out. Common examples of lens ...

What is a wedge? Wedges are triangle-shaped objects or tools that can be used to make work easier. The small pointed end (which can often be blunt, not sharp) can be used to lift and separate objects. ...

The sun is a wonderful (and free) source of energy just waiting to be harnessed. You can build a simple solar hot dog cooker for use on a sunny day.This hot dog cooker uses a reflective parabola. A pa ...

It used to be that if you had a string of holiday lights and one bulb went out, the whole string no longer worked. This was because the lights were set up in a series circuit. Recently, companies have ...

Throwing a ball to a friend or shooting a cannon are both examples of projectile motion. Gravity is a force that acts upon objects, drawing them towards the center of the Earth at 9.81 m/s2. Horizonta ...

Energy is stored in the bonds of molecules. When these bonds split apart, the energy released can be used to do work. Breaking apart liquid water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gas creates an enor ...

Total internal reflection is what happens when light enters a new medium, or material, at an angle larger than a critical angle. A critical angle is when the incident angle, or the angle at which ligh ...

Have you ever wondered why oil heats up so quickly in a pan, but water takes so long to boil?Heat, which is the exchange of energy between a system and its surroundings, occurs in three major ways: co ...