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The objective of this project is to identify and understand adaptations in birds. Through experimentation with models of bird beak shapes and different types of bird “food” the student will grasp the ...

People use a variety of techniques to deal with pain or discomfort. Common pain management techniques include listening to music, massage, and deep breathing. This experiment will evaluate how well th ...

Whether they salt it, dry it, or refrigerate it, humans have been preserving food for centuries. This science project involves comparing the relative effectiveness of salt, pepper and dehydration in f ...

In this experiment, we will find out whether storing cucumbers and tomatoes in the fridge will destroy their unique flavors. We will be comparing it against unrefrigerated tomatoes and cucumbers.It is ...

All living things have basic needs that must be met in order for them to live.The habitats for living things must provide those basic needs.If their habitat is not meeting their basic needs they will ...

This project explores whether or not a snail can move faster on concrete or faster on dirt.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirect ...

This experiment will show young children that germs are real, and that steps can be taken to minimize the number of germs on their hands.It is an educational content by clicking on th ...

Plants require sixteen essential nutrients to grow. If there is a deficiency of nutrients then the plant will not grow properly. If plants are fertilized at the beginning of growth then they will grow ...

What are the physical characteristics of animals that allow them to survive and prosper in their environments?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, y ...

Determine which colors are more difficult to read at a distance. Understand how eyesight works in regard to color.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resourc ...