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All living things have basic needs that must be met in order for them to live.The habitats for living things must provide those basic needs.If their habitat is not meeting their basic needs they will ...

Plants require sixteen essential nutrients to grow. If there is a deficiency of nutrients then the plant will not grow properly. If plants are fertilized at the beginning of growth then they will grow ...

Determine which colors are more difficult to read at a distance. Understand how eyesight works in regard to color.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resourc ...

Kids will learn the importance of washing their hands as many tend to neglect the fact that it is needed!It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wi ...

After creating a homemade guacamole, you might discover that the guacamole will quickly turn brown.Why does this occur? Test different strategies for stopping this process.It is an educational content ...

Determine how age affects the speed that someone can change the focus of their eyes between near sightedness and far sightedness.It is an educational content by clicking on the title ...

Germination is when a plant seed starts to sprout. A seed needs oxygen, water, certain temperatures, and energy to germinate.Purpose: The purpose of my project was to determine which type of seed woul ...

This experiment is done in three steps. First you'll want to see if shading your "house" will keep it cooler. Then you'll want to see if painting the "house" different colors outside affects the tempe ...

Leaves provide food and air to help a plant stay healthy and grow. Through photosynthesis, leaves turn light energy into food. Through pores, or stomata, leaves “breathe” in carbon dioxide and “breath ...

Travail pluridisciplinaire au cours duquel les élèves écoutent, produisent et caractérisent des sons. Début de conceptualisation du son comme perception mettant en jeu la vibration de l'air.