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Sustainability and sustainable development seem to be the new buzz terms used to discuss solving environmental issues. However, creating a sustainable world is actually a complex idea that involves mu ...

Each day we are surrounded with and use many fantastic technologies. While not always obvious, these technologies require energy to operate. This energy use can add up in terms of monthly power bills ...

Have you ever wondered why rooms with thick curtains tend to stay warmer in the winter? If you’re interested in reducing your family’s carbon footprint or simply want to help your folks save a little ...

The goal of this experiment is to learn about work and energy. Student will learn a simple mathematical formula for energy and be able to use this formula to predict outcomes.It is an educational cont ...

A vortex is defined as that downward swirling motion regularly observed in nature, often during volatile environmental conditions. A vortex is manifested in different forms, such as tornadoes, whirlpo ...

Understand how a vibrating object transfers energy to whatever it touches.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content ...

Craters form when an object strikes the surface of a planet, moon, or other object in outer space. Craters are also found here on Earth as well. The energy from the impact of an object such as a meteo ...

Let there be light! At the flick of a switch, a light bulb can light or illuminate an entire room, but what else is happening? One the basic laws of physics, the conservation of energy, tells us that ...

Students will use a bomb calorimeter to measure and calculate the amount of energy (calories) within various foods. What is the amount of heat absorbed by the water? How much energy is in each food sa ...

Ever notice that when you pour a darker liquid into clear water the overall color changes into a shade between both? Diffusion is the passive process of particles spreading from areas of high concentr ...