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Huff, puff and blow as hard as you can—do you think you can blow down a sand castle with your mighty breath? Blowing air erodes—wears away—sand and dirt. In Three Little Pigs, houses of straw or twigs ...

Earth is estimated to be 4.6 billion years old and ever-changing. Scientists have organized Earth’s history into geologic time periods. These time periods include the Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, ...

Water has power! It has the power to shape the surface of the Earth. Water can change one landform by washing away sediment and then depositing it somewhere else to create a new landform. How are new ...

Despite what early explorers thought, the world is definitely not flat!This includes land masses and the ocean floor.Just as there are mountains, valleys, and plains on dry land, the ocean floor is co ...

What’s inside the earth? Create a craft or bake a cake that will help you dig deep into the mysteries of the earth’s interior.First, it’s time for a short geology lesson. The earth has four layers. Th ...

Rocks are ever changing.They can be smoothed by water, broken off by wind, and cracked by ice.If you found a rock in your backyard then traveled back in time 1,000 years, that rock would look totally ...

Investigate how water and movement affects erosion. It is an educational content by By clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to dow ...

What is coquina? What is it made of?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download the project, ...

Rocks are not only changed by water, wind, and ice but can also be changed by chemicals. Chemical weathering is the process by which the actual minerals that rocks are made of are changed. Chemical we ...

"En los años 70, James Lovelock y Lynn Margulis formularon una idea que explica muchas cosas sobre nuestro planeta: La hipótesis de Gaia." encontrarás en este video una ...