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Do you ever notice how often you get hungry? You have a big appetite -- you're a growing kid after all -- but how do you think your appetite compares to an adult? Sure, most adults are a lot bigger th ...

Adults take it for granted that plants need sunlight and water to live and grow, however young children, to whom the world is still new, may yet be coming to an understanding and appreciation of this ...

Students will use a bomb calorimeter to measure and calculate the amount of energy (calories) within various foods. What is the amount of heat absorbed by the water? How much energy is in each food sa ...

Determine whether plants will grow in garbage.The purpose of this experiment is to find out whether plants are able to get enough nutrients from different types of garbage to be able to grow.It is an ...

Some say a tomato is a fruit. Some call it a vegetable. Most of us are not entirely sure which is which. And what about flowers? This project defines and classifies edible plants, and makes for a tast ...