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This project encourages the student to look for correlations between wind speed, temperature, and time of day in order to come up with an explanation about the origin of wind. The goal is to have the ...

Make a “ghost” appear in a test tube, and learn about what happens when hot water and cold water interact.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you w ...

Do some colors absorb more heat than others?If you put a bunch of pieces of the same kind of paper out in the sun at the same time, they should all get equally warm, right? Let's find out!It is an edu ...

ObjectiveIn many parts of the country, it seems that the weather is always changing. Where does this weather come from? Can you predict the weather for where you live by looking at what the weather is ...

Anders Celsius created the first centigrade scale for measuring temperature in 1742. See how centigrade and Fahrenheit work, and their relationship to each other.sIt is an educational content by educa ...

Energy from the sun doesn’t just warm us, it can also create chemical changes. Photosensitive paper (solar print paper or the like) is coated with a chemical that changes color when it’s exposed to ce ...

Dive into the fascinating world of weather with our comprehensive learning unit! Explore the differences between weather and climate, discover atmospheric phenomena like hurricanes and typhoons, and u ...

Engage students in understanding the wonders of weather and climate with interactive lessons. Explore meteorological phenomena, temperature measurement, and seasonal changes. Foster curiosity and crit ...

New physical geography for grammar and high schools, and colleges is a book written by James. Monteith.

It is an ebook from The International Children's Digital Library, a project of the ICDL Foundatio ...