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Student compares the water permeability of soils to understand their physical and environmental properties. What particles make up soils? What are the physical characteristics of soils? How can soil t ...

Soil texture is determined by the relative proportion of sand, silt, clay and small rocks (pebbles) found in a given sample. Sand is gritty to the touch and the individual grains or particles can be s ...

How can scientists figure out what a dinosaur’s footprints looked like? When a dinosaur walked near a stream, it may have left footprints imprinted in the earth. If the stream the footprints flooded, ...

The goal of this experiment is to explore how building on different types of soil affects the relative stability of buildings in an earthquake. Students will build a shake table upon which a basin hol ...

By applying more and more pressure to a piece of aluminum foil “clay,” we can discover, stage by stage, how heat and pressure turn clay into slate, phyllite, and finally schist.It is an educational co ...

The difference between quartz monzonite and gneiss is a lot of pressure. In this experiment, we'll learn how pressure can make the minerals in a rock line up in the same direction and form bands and f ...