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Understanding Sonar Mapping of the Ocean Floor

Despite what early explorers thought, the world is definitely not flat!This includes land masses and the ocean floor.Just as there are mountains, valleys, and plains on dry land, the ocean floor is comprised of long mountain chains, deep trenches, and flat plains.Topographic maps are used to provide information about different land elevations.Measuring the depth of the ocean to the ocean floor can be done through sonar mapping.Sonar mapping measures how long it takes sound waves to travel through the water to the ocean floor and back to the surface.In this investigation, a high-bouncing ball will be used to demonstrate how sound waves measure the depth to the ocean floor.

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Auteur Angela Pike

Catégories 6-8 años, Ficha para imprimir, Geología, 8-10 años, Experimento/Práctica, Science Fair - Education, Inglés add

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Date de publication 27 / 08 / 2020

Licence La licence originale de la ressource est respectée.



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Understanding Sonar Mapping of the Ocean Floor
