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This program examines Mayan jaguar worship, Mayan gods who required human and animal sacrifice, and Mayan mathematicians who understood the concept of "zero" hundreds of years before Arab ma ...

Who was Florence Nightingale? Watch this story, one of our 'British tales' videos about characters and people from British history, to find out!

Think back to when you were a wee toddler, playing with toys that helped shape your amazing brain. Remember that game where you fit blocks into holes? Sure, it might have been a challenge back then, b ...

Determine how people recognize words while reading. Test whether the order of letters within a word, provided the first and last letters are unchanged, will affect readers.It is an educational content ...

Do you like to rhyme? Do you do it all the time? Get some friends together to see what they can rhyme.Which words are the easiest to rhyme? Which words are the hardest? Why?It is an educational conten ...

What does happy look like? Is it a bright color like yellow or a deep purplish-blue? Colors are everywhere we look, and sometimes our brains like to link up colors with emotions. Have you ever heard s ...

This project determines what category of person is most likely to be ticklish.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the con ...

You will determine if there is a relationship between the number of beats per minute in a song and the genre of music you're listening to.It is an educational content by clicking on t ...

Are you a pink fanatic or a cool blue type of kid? Everyone has an opinion about colors. Some people wish they could paint their walls orange while others wish their clothes would all be purple. Step ...

It’s the day before the test, and you still have a ton to memorize! Sound familiar? Every student knows what it is like to sit down in front of a textbook and try to make the names, dates or formulas ...