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Air pressure is the amount of air being forced against a surface. It's the reason why planes, birds and insects fly. It's the reason why balloons and bubbles float. In this project we find surprising ...

Have you ever refilled the ice cube tray in your freezer after using the last ice cube in your cup of juice? You probably automatically poured cold water in the ice cube tray without asking the questi ...

See if the length of a rod or string affects how fast or slow an attached object swings. We will also see if if the weight/mass of the object has an affect on speed when the length is kept constant.It ...

Optics is a branch of physics that explores light and its behaviors and interactions with objects. Lenses, which are made of transparent (usually glass), are curved objects that are used for focusing ...

In this experiment, students will find out whether a plastic slinky works as well as a metal slinky when “walking it down the stairs." What causes the “walk down the stairs” slinky trick to workIt is ...

Students will examine how passive solar heating works by measuring the temperature within a parked car on a sunny day.From this experiment students can think of ways to use passive solar heating as an ...

Definir os estados da matéria e reconhecer as suas mudanças.

Relacionar diferentes tipos de matéria que podem mudar de estado.

Explicar a Lei de conservação da m ...

Conhecer a transformação da energia que ocorre dentro das pilhas.

Reconhecer as diferentes transformações da energia no processo de produção de energ&iacut ...

Explicar as características e as ideias básicas sobre as ondas.

Identificar os tipos de ondas.

Comparar as características dos diferentes tipos de ondas para encontrar semelha ...

Explore the fascinating world of electricity! Learn about electric circuits, energy transformations, and responsible usage. Engage in hands-on activities like building a homemade battery and reflectin ...