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Anatomie interne d'un chat: mammifère carnivore de la famille des félidés pourvu de griffes rétractiles. Il y a des espèces sauvages et domestiques. Voir plus

Anatomie interne d'un chat - Dictionnaire ...

Anatomie interne d'un chien: mammifère carnivore domestique élevé pour accomplir différentes tâches auprès de l'homme. Voir plus

Anatomie interne d'un chien - Dictionnaire Visuel - Copyright © 200 ...

Cage thoracique: Ensemble des os comprenant les vertèbres dorsales, les côtes et le sternum, renfermant le coeur et les poumons chez les vertébrés. Voir plus

Cage thoracique - Dictionnaire Visuel - Cop ...

Urogenital organs of the frogwhich lives near lakes and ponds. Moves by swimming and jumping. See more

Urogenital organs of the frog - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserv ...

Internal anatomy of a bony fishanimal with skin covered with scales. It lives in water and is usually oviparous. See more

Internal anatomy of a bony fish - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-201 ...

Internal anatomy of a shark: large, long and very powerful selachian fish. It is viviparous. See more

Internal anatomy of a shark - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Anatomy: a warm-blooded animal with two wings, two feet, a horny beak and a body covered with feathers. See more

Anatomy - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All rights reserved.

Ribcage: set of bones including the dorsal vertebrae, the ribs and the sternum, that encloses the heart and lungs of vertebrates. See more

Ribcage - Visual Dictionary - Copyright © 2005-2016 - All ...

Conhecer as funções dos diferentes sistemas do corpo humano.

Reconhecer os diferentes órgãos do aparelho digestório e excretor, bem como a relação e ...

Dive into the fascinating world of the digestive system with this interactive learning unit! Explore its parts, functions, and the journey of food through our bodies. Discover how the digestive and ex ...