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This project determines what types of objects burn, and which burn faster and cleaner.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to ...

In this experiment, you will be making your own paper flashlight by conducting electricty with graphite. What metals are best for conducting electricity? Why is graphite not the best conductor? Why is ...

Let there be light! At the flick of a switch, a light bulb can light or illuminate an entire room, but what else is happening? One the basic laws of physics, the conservation of energy, tells us that ...

Steam, which is the gaseous version of water, can be used to power trains, lights in buildings, and your very own model boat! Learn how to make a steam powered rocket boat to see Sir Isaac Newton's th ...

Different kinds of light have different wavelengths. Different colors of visible light also have different wavelengths and produce different thermal energy. Investigate how color affects temperature.I ...

Explore the different properties of matter than enable mixtures to be separated. Demonstrate the separation of mixtures through filtration and evaporation.It is an educational content by ...

The air pressure project is designed to teach students the concept of air pressure in a fun way. The goals of the air pressure project are to engage students in a fun activity while teaching them the ...

Which will become ice faster, hot or cold water?It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want to download ...

Can thermal energy (energy obtained from heat) be made to do useful work? Can you think of devices that convert thermal energy into motion? Can you think of a way to convert thermal energy into electr ...

You are lost in the wilderness. You know there is a highway several miles north of you, but you don’t know which direction north is. Luckily, you have a magnet with you! How can you find your way usin ...