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This resource, created by Javier Ramos Sancha, will help the students to learn about the cells, the organization of the living things and how the different systems of the body work through a project b ...

Célula: La célula es un sistema muy complejo que es el centro de intercambios intensos en energía y que presenta áreas extensas de la interfase. Como todos seres vivos, la célula se nutre, crece, se m ...

Cellule: La cellule est un système hautement complexe qui est le siège d'intenses échanges d'énergie et qui présente de vastes surfaces d'interphase. Comme tout être vivant, elle assimile, grandit, se ...

Cell: the cell is a highly complex system that is the site of intense energy exchange and which presents vast interphase surfaces. Like all living organisms, it feeds itself, grows, multiplies and die ...

Definir a célula como a unidade básica de vida.

Indicar o nome e descrever diferentes organelas das células procariótica e eucariótica.

Diferenciar a célu ...

Diferenciar os seres vivos de acordo com o tipo de alimentação, habitat, forma de reprodução, vertebrado, etc.

Definir as funções vitais e as caracter&iacu ...

Unlock the secrets of cells with our engaging learning unit on Cells: Classification and Reproduction! Explore the fascinating world of cell biology as we delve into cell types, organelles, and cellul ...

Discover the fascinating world of living beings with 'The Classification of Living Beings' learning unit! Explore the diverse types of life on Earth, from microscopic organisms to complex crea ...

Définir la cellule en tant qu'unité de vie minimale.

Nommer et décrire les différents organites des cellules procaryote et eucaryote.

Différencier la cellule ...